MADAM – I really must thank Chas Townley for his letter on the proposed resiting of the George Holloway monument.

I’m so pleased there is somebody as strongly opposed as I am.

Please just leave well alone.

I have known the monument of George Holloway as long as I can remember, from childhood (70-odd years).

It’s a landmark that’s always been there and it’s the right place for this monument, not forgetting it’s been there since the early 18th century.

Please leave it alone.

Not that long ago it had money spent on restoring it – in my view just a waste of money – and now people want to spend more money moving it. Can’t they leave things alone and think of something better to spend money on?

All of Stroud needs a good sorting out, what a shame.

We don’t need anything or any kind of monument outside the people’s Subscription Rooms.

I’m not running the Holloway monument down for the work he did for Stroud – yes, he was a compassionate and generous man.

Also, Francis Ray of Stroud, thank you, for delving into George’s past.

Where do we go from here?


Sandra Tucker
