MADAM - Did I miss something?

Was there a special council ruling? I did not realise that the 160 acres of Selsley Common had been turned into one large dog defecating area.

So few owners pick up after their dog(s) and/or canine packs that this lovely space and area of outstanding natural beauty has been turned into an oversized toilet.

Professional dog walkers with five, six and seven dogs go there daily to relieve their charges for ££s and regular owners with their dogs twice a day, everyday.

The resulting mess is clear every time one my children steps in yet another ‘deposit’ while playing there.

It’s dangerous to human health as well as being disgusting.

Then, there are the out-of-control dogs rampaging over the grass, disturbing the few skylarks and meadow pipits who remain after this daily invasion.

And what is the point in actually picking up the mess in a black plastic bag only to then throw it into a bush? Or Is it trying to create a special art installation?

There are enough dog litter bins in every car park, so the issue is what exactly ... too many dogs so it’s impossible to keep track of their latest mess?

Laziness? Stupidity?

And ‘yes’, I do have a dog, and ‘yes’ I always pick up after her, and ‘yes’ she is always on a lead and under firm control. With a dog comes responsibility.

There are enough bins, so use them. Please.

Gerard Doran
