ON Queen guitarist Brian May’s call for radical political reform during his speech at SGS College.

Posted by corin22: God help the students that have to sit and listen to his drivel. Still he might go on the roof and play his guitar for them afterwards.

Posted by stroudie18: Corin22 - he did a fantastic speech. Everyone was in a trance listening to him, the guy is a legend and always will be. He’s very clever bloke as well. I, all the other students and staff loved listening to him and loads of people wanted an autograph from him.

Luckily you are the minority (which is less than one per cent). God help you not us...

On the ongoing problem of potholes.

Posted by frankiewakefield: It would seem to me we now we have another contractual problem with the county council agreeing contracts that are definitely not in taxpayers interests. From what I understand the county council has awarded the upkeep of the roads in the county to one company.

This company is not apparently getting the works done according to schedule and the council is locked into contract ( I believe a five year period ) so cannot use other contractors. I suppose there is a break clause in this contract as clearly performance by this contractor has not been achieved.

On Stroud High School’s decision to increase its student numbers.

Posted by A Stroud Worm: Some people always hate things. There was hatred towards the Steiner Academy when it was hoping for money. Can we all grow up and be nice to each other please?

On comments by The Venerable Rachel Treweek, the new Bishop of Gloucester, that: “My calling to the role of bishop has been shaped by human encounter.”

Posted by A Stroud Worm: That’s funny, as my calling to ignore the church has also been shaped by human encounter.