CAN I thank all those who voted for me in the recent Nailsworth Town Council elections and placed me at the top of the poll.

I think there are two messages to be taken from this result.

The first is the Save Newmarket Valley campaign, in which I have tried to play an active part.

Although the developer’s application to despoil this unique valley was rejected by the SDC planners, we can expect that Newland Homes will appeal to the government inspector.

Local people need to be aware that their vigilance and help are still very much needed.

The fight continues.

The second reflects, I think, the popularity of the Green Party.

Our membership has increased dramatically.

Whilst the large parties tried to bribe electors with their goodies, The Green Party fought on principles and values.

Our claim that Fairness is Worth Fighting For also continues, even though this will be an uphill battle over the next five years.

Norman Kay

Green Party councillor Nailsworth