ON Green Party economic spokesman and MEP Molly Scott Cato’s call for proportional representation.

Posted by Haloge: As PR does not seem in the interests of the winner in a FPTP system, I believe we may be stuck with the present unfair and discriminatory system for the foreseeable future.

Until FPTP is changed to PR perhaps we should stop believing that we are a truly functioning democracy, unless we already have.

Posted by Speeleye Stan: Didn’t we have a (rather expensive) referendum about an alternative voting system as recently as 2011?

Posted by Haloge: The alternative voting system we voted on wasn’t exactly the best one available, so it was hardly surprising that the majority of those who could be bothered to vote didn’t vote for it.

Regrettably I did, and a fat lot of good it made to anything, which is probably what 34 per cent of the electorate think about the choices in most elections.

Posted by Andyinstroud: The AV referendum cost the taxpayer £75 million in 2011. The yes vote got 32.1 per cent and the no vote 67.9 per cent.

If people didn’t bother to vote then they have no right to complain now. Or is it going to be a case of spending an obscene amount of money again to see if the result is different. That money would now be better spent on nurses etc.

On Eastcombe resident Kate Mincher’s column about living with ME.

Posted by Opti-mystic: I had the same diagnosis five years ago. Mine started after a nasty bout of shingles. Luckily, I have a sympathetic GP and have had great help from him but many people think that ME isn’t ‘real’. I was one of those ... before it laid me low. Beware of ‘alternative’ practitioners who promise miracles. They are lying. If they had the answer the NHS would be all over it. They don’t. We just have to deal with symptoms as they arrive and hope that research will one day discover the cause(s) and then work on something to really help.