I WOULD like to point out to Tom Jarman that I was not confusing ART GL with its name sake in Adelaide, but pointing to Cllr Simon Pickering’s 95 per cent recovery of domestic and industrial waste as over-ambitious.

Mr Jarman’s submission to GCC outlining his proposal (integrated waste resource recovery) was very enlightening.

The main content pointing out the benefits and virtues of the process were well argued, as one would expect of a man of letters.

But let’s not forget that the argument for incineration has also been subjected to close scrutiny by men and women of equal intellectual stature who have concluded that incineration in this instance is the best option, a conclusion I and many more people agree with. So is it not time that the talking stopped and the work started?

I offer this jingle to get things moving: Incineration, incineration, incineration, The county’s gift to the nation We’ll burn all your waste leaving no trace, Incineration, incineration, incineration.

Francis Ray
