AS A follow up to the valid points made recently last week by Clive Mowforth on wildlife in the area I support him on the secrecy over a vaccination policy.

Almost 30 years ago I was involved with the Cotswold Wildlife Protection Society who were against the mass killing of badgers.

In those days it was the mass gassing of these poor creatures that was being carried out.

Myself and another lady member were summoned to the Ministry of Agriculture at Nailsworth because of our protests.

We found it quite alarming to discover how much they knew about us and the manner in which they conducted the meeting.

We were then told that a vaccine was being developed but where is it?

If there is one now the apparent use of it seems to be very limited if at all.

Having spoken to several farmers who have experienced TB in their herds, the great worry and stress that they are under is apparent.

So if there is a vaccine why is it not being widely used and therefore doing away with the strife and prosecutions over the current shooting policy?

Perhaps our newly re-elected MP can enlighten us as a matter priority, since many of us continue to be concerned over wildlife.

PA Cox (Mrs)

MBE Coaley