ON Barrie Voyce’s Christian Comment in which he criticised the importance attached to exams in the education system.

Posted by Salendine: Whilst there are many faults with the education system, to suggest exams don’t matter come your mid-20s is irresponsible. Education, be it academic or vocational, gives us choices and an opportunity to better ourselves. God, if he even exists, isn’t going to put food on the table. I admire the work your project carries out but don’t let the minority of kids you see colour your opinion of all.

On the death of Melinda (Lyn) ‘Motchie’ Major.

Posted by: juliewinter752: I remember Lyn with fun and laughter. I had the pleasure of working with her in the Old Lady Tea Shop. We always had such a laugh, all of us together. My late husband and I met Lyn a few times over at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and chatted about their illnesses. I lost Alan eight months ago to the horrible disease so know what you are all going through. My heart goes out to you. Xx On Karen Eberhardt-Shelton’s column ‘How did we fall for Tory rhetoric?

Posted by Phyllus Jones: Karen, a big, big factor on the Tory win was the Tory promise of an in/out referendum on the UK in the EU. Ed Miliband just did not want Brits to have a say on whether the UK continues as a province of the EU (with 80 per cent) of new laws governing our lives originating offshore and brought into the UK as EU directives) or returns to being a self-governing country.

That was a very important issue to many people I know.

If a Government no longer has the power to pass laws, obviously it can’t pass laws in various areas such as the NHS or the environment.

The UK regaining power over 100 per cent of laws passed rather than 20 per cent has to be the major issue, above all others, and a vast majority of the British people recognized that fact.