GABRIEL Millar in the SNJ of June 10 claims that there are 25,000 studies which show that wireless radiation is harmful.

She is half right. There are 25,000 studies on the subject.

However had she paid closer attention to the World Health Organisation report which contains this figure she would have found that it concludes from a review of these studies that there is no credible evidence of harm and ample evidence that it is safe.

It does concede that more research into possible effects of extended mobile use by children would be beneficial and therefore advises that such use should be restricted until more is known. So nothing to justify an alarmist agenda.

Studies have shown that those claiming symptoms are due to “electro-magnetic hypersensitivity” are unable to distinguish between real and fake exposure to radiation.

So whilst their symptoms may or may not be real they are not due to radiation.

This is like the mythical MMR autism link in that no matter how many times it is disproved its proponents will continue to advance it, often citing the cautionary principle.

On that basis given that we know bees kill four or five people a year in the UK I propose an immediate ban on bees.

Jim Watson
