IN REPLY to a question from Leonard Roach; the racism central to the Steiner belief system is found in the fact that Rudolf Steiner’s version of reincarnation has humans evolving spiritually through the races from black to Aryan.

Is any further explanation needed?

If so, search the internet for “Steiner racism”.

These beliefs are regarded as “truth” by those who run organisations where Steiner’s doctrine is followed; their methods are designed to further this particular version of spirituality and as such are discriminatory.

Steiner’s ideas have no other foundation than these beliefs about reincarnation.

So whether workers and users are aware of it or not, they are propagating a system which has questionable beliefs at its core, and which keeps certain people in positions of power and influence within the “movement”.

This is worrying for anyone concerned about social justice and equality, and to ignore this aspect of the Steiner system is negligent.

H Saunders
