DALE, thank you so much for your extremely well argued, if ever so slightly earnest reply, to my “stereotypical green views”.

It’s great to learn that Ecotricity now employs more than 600 people in Stroud all endeavouring to do their personal best for green causes and devoted to reducing their own carbon footprints.

It’s gratifying to know that a percentage of the above employees are public relations operatives helping to write letters to “stereotypes” like myself (and all suffering from humour by-passes at the same time.) It’s also brilliant to hear that the majority of vehicles in the numerous car parks are car-pool.

Do you also have a small airport somewhere in Stroud for flight share?

I’m really sorry to hear that people like myself are “anachronisms”, holding back “proper debate and real progress”, but you have convinced me that I must do something about my carbon footprint, so I’m off to knit myself a pair of ecologically sustainable footwear.

Gerard Doran
