MR CARMICHAEL, I have in the past months on several occasions asked various questions enquiring why your party has taken decisions that have conflicted greatly with pledges/promises made in your pre-election manifesto commitments.

To give examples – the cut off cap for pensioners ability to keep an amount of money in regard to nursing home care, “if you remember this was definitely to be raised in January 2016” (now shelved until 2020).

Mr Cameron’s promise to reduce the unelected peers (now appears to be trying to get another 40 unelected peers “Tory ones” into the Lords)?

I could go on with examples but these will suffice to start with.

Finally the latest unannounced (pre election) cuts to tax credits is the final insult, is your party unaware that you are only making these cuts on the poorest in our society?

Why are you not cutting excessive benefits paid out to MPs like yourself.

I am in favour of cutting the benefit culture but starting with those most able to bear them, the people at the top first.

Whether you call it a tax credit or an expense (MPs’ second home mortgages/rents, travel costs/cars/trains/excessive daily food allowances) to name but a few.

They are all paid for by the taxpayer so are all a ‘benefit’ financed by people like myself and those on tax credits, in other words from the same pot of money!

What is fair about cutting the poor’s ‘benefit’ but not the most well offs’ ‘benefit’.

What happened to ‘we are all in this together’ your illustrious leader’s statement made continually.

My questions are not political, same applies to Tory, Labour/Liberal, Ukip or any party, but you got yourselves elected by promising/pledging clear commitments in your manifesto which encouraged me and thousands of other voters to give you our support.

In return we (obviously naively) expected you to keep those commitments (all of them) as far as we are concerned you committed a ‘fraud’ on us (as described in another email of mine which you have never answered).

So I have taken this route in the hope you might respond and give me a clear explanation of why your party betrayed our trust.

Would be good if you replied via the Stroud News & Journal so everybody can read your simple explanations and perhaps restore some trust in politics/politicians.

D W Lee
