THIS poem is written for the fallen soldiers being brought back from war, dedicated to their memory and to their families.

1. He stands beside the roadway,

His white head bowed so low.

The memories overwhelm him

Of battles long ago.

His ears are full of distant sounds

Of bursting shells and screams

Of men and frenzied fighting

That come to haunt his dreams.

The medals on his greatcoat,

The crutch that’s by his side

Are permanent reminders

Of comrades who have died.

He’s standing here to honour

The man who’s coming home,

Not standing high in triumph

But lying still as stone.

2. She stands beside the roadway,

Her face is grey and drawn.

Not long ago she said farewell

And hugged her tall first-born.

He went off proud and confident

To fight on foreign shores,

Defending right and freedom.

Will this war end all wars?

Her husband fought an earlier war,

That left a million dead

But warfare still besets the world

And hopes of peace have fled.

She’s standing here and praying

For families and friends,

That they’ll be reunited

When modern conflict ends.

3. The child is so excited –

He loves the marching men,

The flags and brilliant standards,

The drums and pipes – and then

He looks up at his mother.

Her face is wet with tears,

Her thoughts are with her eldest son,

Her worries and her fears.

The cortège now approaches,

The waiting crowds are still.

The child begins to understand,

No longer feels the thrill.

And when that child is older

With children of his own,

We pray that calm and peace prevail,

That harmony is sown;

And may the world remember

That once God sent a dove

To make the nations understand:

The Conqueror is Love.

Hilary Kemmett
