NOW that everyone has wished everyone else a happy new year, may I give a special happy new year to the Stroud Neighbourhood Policing team.

I have always found them efficient and caring.

Being a Blue Badge user I would particularly like to mention PCSO Bev Owen and PCSO Nicola Underwood who were so very kind and helpful at Waitrose when the public had been warned about “distraction thieves” at Christmas time.

I would also like to mention the PCSO who on Friday, December 4, owing to a fatal accident which was blocking the road near Salmon Springs, was supervising turning the traffic at Edge.

Under circumstances which would have turned many people into an irritable panic she was holding up a double-decker bus to allow me to turn my tiny Smart car and quietly explaining the situation to the car behind me at the same time, she remained completely calm.

May they all have a very happy year.

Maureen M Thulin
