ON Ecotricity’s plans to give the exterior of New Imperial House in Stroud a makeover in the company’s colours of green, white, grey and black.

Posted by Phyllus Jones: This new ‘modern’ building design just doesn’t fit in with the other Victorian and Edwardian buildings in town. And being opposite the train station, it’s the first thing many visitors will see. Just out of character with visitors’ expectations. A building in Ecotricity’s three colours might work if done tastefully but its Lego-block appearance tips it over the edge. What Stroud residents think will of course carry little weight with the SDC which, given its dependence on tax income, employment etc will be rubber-stamping whatever the company puts in front of it.

Posted by Crow: I dare say the Edwardian architecture wasn’t in keeping with whatever came before it. Is there some unwritten commandment from God that new architecture has to be in keeping with the present architecture?

Posted by crazy_freerider: May I remind everyone of what this building looked like only six years ago. If anyone can explain how that fell in line with the Victorian architecture, I will be quite surprised! It was rank! And quite frankly, all that has been done since then is they’ve added a glass frontage and hidden the rest with the world’s biggest flag! I think it will be a nice improvement on the increasingly tatty town centre.

Posted by Mister Champagne: It’s the architectural equivalent of the mullet haircut, an embarrassing eyesore of the future. Councillors need to exercise caution when evaluating the wisdom of letting the town be completely dominated by one business. Would Stroud be stuck with the look when the electricity company plans to move out to it’s own business park in a few years time?

Posted by Nicholas8885: I don’t often agree with much of what Dale Vince does but I think he has got it completely right on this one. These modern designs will add a lot to a town centre which is miserable and unwelcoming.