ON the plans to transform derelict Tricorn House into assisted living apartments.

Posted by kjag23: Yawn. Another plan for Tricorn House that will never materialise. I don’t understand how they can begin work before the planning application has been approved.

Posted by bwb123standin: SDC should have bought and developed it, or sold it on, with covenants attached, to a viable developer. We’ll see what happens next. Don’t hold your breath.

On MP Neil Carmichael’s column in which he discussed the work of the Education Select Committee.

Posted by paganhillpete: How can our MP write a column about education and not mention that all schools are to be forced to become academies, run by private businesses, without any local council involvement? And not mention the abolition of parent-governors, when he has spent so much time wittering previously about the importance of governors?

On the interview with Stroud Legend Rick Vick.

Posted by Matt Fair: I had the privilege to live with Rick, Shelley and the kids for a year in Victoria, Canada around 1990. It was a wonderful adventurous year with that boisterous, joyful and spirited family. Rick and I often took the kids and went camping and romping in some of the jewels of British Columbian wilderness. What is not mentioned in the article is Rick’s great generosity, humility, and extraordinary emotional honesty. Somebody give my old and irreplaceable friend a big hug for me, will you?

On the article about bad parking in Stroud.

Posted by lyn.wickedone: There are good and bad drivers of all ages but I find the young drivers more of a threat than any older drivers as they are constantly on the phone and they haven’t a clue what a speed limit sign means. Most elderly drivers are more considerate and cautious.