YOU recently gave a good deal of space to the supposed saving of our Children’s Centre by our county councillor Dorcas Binns. If only it were true.

I used to manage a team of child protection social workers and so I know how vital children’s centres are in helping parents and in helping to keep children safe.

Nailsworth’s Children’s Centre is especially important in doing this.

However it seems that Cllr Binns’ offer will fall far short.

Let me, through your pages, ask her: She potentially offers just some of the annual amount of £5,000 she has to spend.

But the current annual cost is £12,800, so how will she find the rest of the money?

Also, the money is needed from April 2017 but she comes up for re-election in May 2017.

Will this offer fail if she is not re-elected or can she reassure us that it will continue?

And is she making a long term offer with a guarantee for continued funding over many years?

Finally, we submitted a strong case for our centre to continue.

Has she been persuaded by this and what lobbying has she done with her fellow councillors to persuade them?

My worry is that this is mere talk and will not give our centre any satisfactory future.

Straight answers please, Cllr Binns.

Norman Kay

Green Party councillor for Nailsworth