AT THE risk of offending a minority of your readers can I draw their attention to the latest article in the SNJ re the Community R4C initiative which beggars the question, does this latest proposal not have a ring of the 1720s South Sea Bubble about it?

As I read it the general public are being asked to purchase shares in a company whose workforce and aims mainly consist of volunteers and dreams, relying on an ever decreasing level of waste from which huge profits are to be made and shared between the pet projects of the Green lobby further enhancing their self-aggrandisement.

But the claim of spending the rest of our lives behind a mask as protection from a toxic atmosphere is nothing short of hysteria and sits well with the anti-incinerator lobby whose catalogue disasters reads like a third rate B movie.

If my views offend the more sensitive readers of your columns then I sincerely apologise as this was not my intention but I feel that both sides of this debate should be aired.

Francis Ray
