AT a recent meeting on a local issue I was challenged by a resident as to the number of trains using the line that has been mightily bridged at Downfield.

I have checked with Stroud Railway Station and found my statement to be correct, that the number of trains along the line has not increased, yet. However, when Network Rail upgrade the tunnel under the Severn there will be extra trains that will be fast non-stopping trains along the line from Swindon to Newport, only while work is in progress. Once the work is complete the rail usage will revert to normal. A problem that the bridge has caused was not anticipated. Network Rail neglected to serve the Downfield Road North access to the bridge with a ramp. The bridge has only three ramps.

The lack of the fourth ramp has resulted in children who would approach the bridge by way of Downfield Road North now traipsing along Stratford Road via its dangerous bend, between Nos 113 and 89. People now fear for the safety of the children from traffic at this point.

Drivers along Stratford Road cannot be blamed for this danger.

The Stroud Town and County Council should have stressed that Network Rail complete the job with a fourth ramp. Must a child be killed before the councils and Network Rail implement this fourth ramp?

Back during the 1970s the double yellow lines were laid only after a child had been killed in Stratford Road.

To quote the infamous man who started this hoo-ha about the level crossings ‘When you are dead, you are dead’.

It would appear now that all that was really required was for the pedestrian rail crossings to be closed for the period of upgrading the Severn Tunnel.

This will no doubt be so for the other Downfield Crossing.

Molly Roberts
