I WENT to the Churches Together meeting in Nailsworth, to hear what Neil Carmichael, MP for Stroud, had to say on the latest news about refugees being offered refuge in the district.

Surprisingly, he began with an exploration the Referendum result, expressing concern about this country’s relationships with other nations.

The causes of the global refugee crisis stem from instability and intolerable conditions within many states, especially in the Middle East and North Africa.

Our newly appointed foreign policy negotiations, in the post-Brexit era, have to consider the best interests of the UK on trade deals.

Clearly, many nation states are vying to make trade deals with the UK.

This IS the Brexit message, is it not?

I would hope that our new negotiators, now unfettered by any EU restrictions, will feel encouraged to address the global unrest – triggered by the lack of the most basic human rights in some countries – within the contractual terms with which we trade internationally.

What better time to argue that countries that want to do business with the UK should, as a prerequisite, have acceptable human rights within their own borders first?

Colleen Rothwell