GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Council has voted to send forward its detailed budget for 2017/18 for consultation.

Although the consultation talks about new investments in adult care, the fact is the proposed social care budget is down in real terms.

This will inevitably mean further cuts to services.

At the same time, the number of hospital patients waiting for the council to organise care packages so they can go home doubled in October compared to last year.

Delayed transfer of care (sometimes called “bed-blocking”) is a big problem in the NHS.

Extra, unnecessary nights in hospital cost money (£400 per bed per day).

They cause blockages in A&E as hospitals find it more difficult to admit emergency cases, and they add time to waiting lists.

For people stuck in hospital, it can be incredibly counter-productive.

For people with dementia, symptoms often get worse due to the disorientation of a hospital admission, particularly when the stay is lengthy.

The budget is all about numbers, but behind the figures are real lives.

The Conservative administration appears to be in denial about the real challenges facing social care provision across the country, and here in Gloucestershire.

I hope many residents will respond to the consultation to share opposition to any further cuts to these essential services.

The budget consultation can be found here or linked from the front page of the county council website.

Rachel Smith

Prospective Green county council candidate for Minchinhampton