A RESPONSE to Dr Richard House’s letter (SNJ May 17).

First I apologise for getting his academic qualifications incorrect.

Nothing to do with research – just a typo error.

At least we all now know.

Surprise, surprise, no matter as his letters are full of his apparent ‘learning’.

Experience gainsays any educational philosophy.

As Prefect Cato questioned Centurion Macro in 54AD: “Philosophy? Macro replied “No, experience, much better”.

Education and qualifications are a basic tempered by experience Dr House.

As for Lynton Crosby and his so called ‘dark arts’ – again sorry – the only Crosby’s of my acquaintance were the late Bing and brother Bob, American singer and band leader.

The only other Lynton I know is Linton on Ouse.

However, Dr House says eloquently referring to his qualifications: “That these haven’t any relevance…et al”.

I’ll leave that as I am quite sure and agree that, to quote him: “the intelligent and progressive people of this great town etc. etc…. to think for themselves” – as I myself do after well over three quarters of a century of experiencing past Labour/Socialist failed political promises and worse, blunders, all of which have reappeared once again in Jerry’s Manifesto.

Spend, spend, spend – tax, tax, tax and borrow, borrow, borrow, without any thought as to how we and the economy are going to pay it all back, if ever.

Something to leave our children and grandchildren to inherit.

Once again some Labour Ministerial Nutter will leave the message: “Sorry, there’s no money left”!

Lee Prescott
