THE inconvenient Death of the Great Badgers and TB Debate.

The greatest pseudoscientific hoax since Piltdown Man.

Why has no-one, including top veterinary epidemiologists noticed that badgers have been innocent bystanders all along?

All the scatter of new unconfirmed cattle TB breakdowns supposedly ‘due to badgers’ are caused by, and first identified by newly infected unconfirmed cattle reactors, which simply caught TB by normal aerosol within-herd spread in the preceding herd breakdown.

Absolutely nothing to do with badgers whatsoever!

Rather like Mark Twain, the 45-year-old badgers and TB saga was actually killed off by Defra without they or anyone else realising it!

There is absolutely no point in culling or vaccinating badgers because they have never been the problem.

Labour promise to end culls, the Tories are still mistakenly assuming badger culls are necessary.

Martin Hancox
