RICHARD House (letters Oct 17th) claims there is “widespread concern” about what he calls radiation pollution due to wi-fi etc.

Well maybe; certainly he and a few others are very vocal about the matter.

By all means let’s have the “open, respectful” discussion he calls for but does he really think that his paranoid insinuation of collusive denial by governments and corporate bodies is conducive to this?

Of course there are vested interests, as there are by those promoting the idea that wi-fi is dangerous, many of whom turn out to be marketing nonsensical anti radiation devices and consultancy services.

So far, there have been around 250,000 studies which overall have not shown any significant evidence of risk, but no doubt he will point to the World Health Organisation’s classification of wi-fi as a category 2b carcinogen as evidence.

Well not really, all that means is it had not been conclusively ruled out. Nor has coffee. Or carpentry.

It is notable that many promulgators of wi-fi danger are also anti vaccination and seem to think all science is suspect, except of course when it supports their view of human culpability as in the case of climate change.

So yes, have the discussion. But base it on the evidence, not prejudice and pseudoscience.

Jim Watson

