I READ with interest the front page article in the February 6 Journal concerning parking time limits, writes Bob Kingsland.

There are two other points relating to Aldi's in-store operation, and that of Lidl, which continue to be an annoyance.

One is the lack of space available at check-outs, compared with the major supermarkets, to place carrier bags for filling.

The other is the speed at which scanned items are shoved through by the operators, which exacerbates the problem of bag filling, and gives the impression that they want us gone as quickly as possible.

The whole checkout experience at Tesco, Sainsbury, etc is much more relaxed.

Both Aldi and Lidl need to remember that not every customer uses a trolley, and that as the years pass, a growing percentage of their customers will be pensioners, and that they need to exhibit a little more patience.

I would suggest that customers refuse to be rushed through, and really take their time to pack their bags.

Bob Kingsland
