WHAT are we without God’s love in our lives?

God loves us as His children; a father who loves with a sacrificial love.

God longs to draw all to himself; to adopt forever those who willingly turn to Him with their whole hearts, minds spirits and souls.

Loved by a loving father who loves so much that he gave up His one and only son, Jesus Christ, in order to be in relationship with us.

Who are we without such love?

When we turn to God and call out to Him we are accepted and receive His love because we have a brother in Jesus Christ who knows what it is to be us.

Even when we struggle to believe that God loves us deeply He still calls to us in the story of his son Jesus Christ, showing what he did for us.

God’s power and glory is displayed in the life death and resurrection of His son and when it is pointed out to us our eyes are opened and we see God clearly.

God longs for us to turn to Him.

Do you long to see the face of God?

Do you long to know His son, Jesus Christ who can set you free and be with you in the storms of your life?

But what is love?

What is this love God has for us?

The mystery of God’s love for us is revealed through Jesus’ death on a cross.

He died in order to enable us to be in relationship with our mighty God.

Jesus covers our sin allowing us to come into God’s presence knowing we are forgiven and healed; enabling us to really live like God always intended us to live.

God has come in Jesus Christ to set you free.

To be free to be people who are hopeful and not despairing.

You are loved like you have never been loved.

Let the knowledge of such a God enter your mind and let it descend to your heart, allowing Him to break the hold of all negative thoughts, all doubts and fears.

Let God in Christ renew you and receive the freedom to really live.

Christine Colby

Methodist Local Preacher