By Nicky Ferry

The enormity and pace of change that we are currently experiencing cannot be underestimated.

Many people are having change forced upon them through job loss, a relationship break down or their own or a loved one’s health crisis. Others have reassessed their lives and are proactively making significant changes.

Whatever your situation, is it likely that you have been touched by the personal, political and environmental issues that have been brought sharply into focus this year.

How we respond to this degree of change and uncertainty clearly has a huge impact on our mental health and wellbeing.

The Centre for Mental Health reports that almost 20 per cent of the population will need either new or extra mental health support due to the impact of Covid-19, mostly for depression, anxiety or loss.

We are often taught to fear change, especially if it is imposed upon us.

Being plunged into the unknown is something many of us are unprepared for.

So what can help?

A willingness to sit and be with what we are actually feeling and thinking can be very calming as well as illuminating.

Nurturing kindness towards our selves is an important part of this process as well as noticing rather than judging, pausing rather than reacting and slowing down rather than panicking.

Initially if this is new to you or if you are extremely stirred up, having professional support can be very beneficial.

Any activity that connects us to ourselves, others and nature is going to be supportive.

Doing so will release feel good hormones, reassure your nervous system and help you gain perspective.

Fundamentally, re-framing our attitude to change is perhaps what we are all being called to do.

This crisis has highlighted the urgent need for change and as painful and disturbing as it can be, embracing rather than resisting or fearing whatever is showing up in you and the world around you, can be transformative.

If we can let go of old ways of being that don’t serve us, on the personal, political and global levels, then perhaps something new and far more rewarding can emerge.

  • Nicky Ferry is a Stroud-based mindful coach supporting people through the Covid crisis. See