If Molly Roberts (letters Sept 29th) was offended by my response to her previous letter then I apologize as it was not my intention.

BAME is a well used & respected acronym for 'Black,Asian & Minority Ethnicity' - the BBC, ITV & the press have used it for years i.e. it is not 'high.faluting'!

I stand by everything I wrote which was compiled in good faith.

If you put your head above the parapet you have to be prepared to take any flak that comes.

In one aspect you support my point - if my respectful critique made you cross then how much worse must it be for people from a BAME background to feel demeaned or disliked just because of their skin colour. Stroud District Council (SN&J 29/9) who are reviewing street & building names & the infamous Blackboy Clock are actively seeking opinions from under-represented groups which I see as very positive.

Sue Hawking
