Arts and creativity are fundamental to human experience and survival. 

Artists observe, imagine, affect, and create.

Creativity is needed to drive our economy, support our wellbeing and help shape a better more sustainable world.

A prime example of how we can help shape a better more sustainable world through creativity is HCA BA (Hons) Contemporary Crafts Graduate Millie Sutton’s Algae Bio-Mask.

This piece is an outcome of research into the material qualities of Chlorella Phytoplankton (algae).

Collaborated with fellow student Tre Seaborne on the project, the mask was designed using Auto CAD, 3D printed out of a specially developed algae filament. Once printed, it was injected with an algae bio-gel that converts CO2 into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

This piece is biodegradable and gives notion to a dystopian futuristic way of living, which we potentially face.

Since, she has carried on experimentation with micro planktons and chitosan (a type of sugar found in crustacean waste) and created a bioplastic that resembles single use plastic.

Creativity can be a catalyst for change, be instinctive, feed our culture, reflect nature, nurture community and soothe the soul.

In today’s world, we are faced with many challenges, which creative minds can strive to solve. The skills and graduate attributes developed through our creative education:  such as effective communication, application of critical reasoning, innovation, adaptability, empathy, resilience, global awareness, are valued and transferable across a wide range of industries.

Artists are the catalyst for growth, evolution and advancement of society. The skills of critical thinking and cultural influence encourage the building of communities both nationally and globally.

This is why it is imperative that creative people receive the opportunities to gain education and training in the arts. 

At HCA, we will support you to

Live a creative life

Follow a creative career

Be a performer, be a designer, be an artist

Make a difference