Woodchester WI with from Kate’s Cutting Patch at Longney

WHILST there may have been a downpour, and smoke from early log fires trailed up into the autumnal air, the Woodchester WI’s September meeting was awash with the colour and perfume of flowers from Kate’s Cutting Patch at Longney.

Kate Whittaker took us through her journey from ‘looking around for an idea’ to developing the blooming (!) expanding family business it is today, growing British flowers for florists, weddings, DIY events, and indeed, any occasion.

Kate brought along a selection of her eco-friendly, locally and seasonally grown flowers, freshly cut from her meadows, and then proceeded to patiently help us all make a bouquet to take home with us.

A delightful, much enjoyed evening.

Next month we look forward to welcoming Norah Kennedy who will be giving us a Willow Weaving demonstration.

We meet on Thursday, October 18, at Woodchester Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Our next Craft Group will also be at the village hall on Thursday, November 1, 2-4pm.

We have welcomed a number of new members recently, and would love to welcome more to our lively, friendly group.

If you would like to join us, please either just come along, or contact Angela (angela.j.pryor@gmail.com).

Angela Pryor