Leonard Stanley WI discuss buses

NUMBERS at our February meeting were somewhat diminished by illness, but we had quite a few items of business to discuss before we got down to the assorted games on offer.

Having heard the suggested resolutions for this year’s AGM of the NFWI members voted overwhelmingly for the one concerning local bus services.

This is a subject much in the minds of members who have been very put out by the re-routing of the local bus into Stroud, and even more put out by the cavalier response by the bus company.

We also heard of the reply to a letter to the Highways Department concerning the dangerous junction between the Bath Road and Downton Road.

The reply was more considered than the one from the bus company but the outcome was the same, in other words ‘Forget it’.

Sadly it will take a serious accident to force a change of heart in the Highways Department.

Turning to other local matters we agreed to organise a Lent Lunch on Wednesday, April 10 (and this really is the date despite the acting secretary’s efforts to mislead everyone!).

We also carefully considered our future as a W.I.

Having dealt with these weighty matters we then had an enjoyable session of games, interspersed with plenty of sociable chat.

Dominos, Bagatelle, Kan-u-Go and an expurgated version of Scrawl were all tried, and after some healthy competition we felt we deserved our cups of tea.

We next meet on Monday, March 11, at 2.15pm when we shall hear from Dick Sheppard, an auto stunt man (now retired).

This sounds intriguing, and anyone wishing to hear this talk is welcome to come along.