Arlingham WI with a talk entitled 'How clever is the Honey Bee'?

THE meeting opened with the financial report followed by a variety of activities on offer; these included a talk on Richard III, a workshop on planning your programme, a New Speakers’ Taster morning, a walk at Newent, goldwork embroidery and a Centenary Village Fair and picnic.

Now, we all know that bees are clever but a talk by Allan Wells on ‘How clever is the honey bee?’ was not only light-hearted but extremely informative.

The vote of thanks was given by Kay and refreshments this month were provided by Kay and Bronwen.

Flowers were donated by Bronwen and sent to Liz.

A minute’s silence was held for a former long-standing member, Sybil, who sadly passed away.

The winners for the competition for something connected with a bee were Carol in first place with a jar of honey, Bronwen in second place with furniture polish and Chris in third place with a bee house.

Next month our visiting speaker will give a talk entitled: "Turn right when the butter melts" and the competition will be 'My favourite holiday souvenir’.

It was lovely to welcome a visitor this month and a reminder that you don’t need to be a member to participate.

We meet at the village hall at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of the month.