Leonard Stanley Wine Circle with Cheltenham in postcards

THERE was a large turnout of members for our February meeting, despite apologies from some at the new time of 7.45pm.

We seem to be going from strength to strength and were pleased to welcome two visitors – Alan and Pat Ross who hopefully may join us as members.

Chairman Eric outlined three options for our annual summer outing in July and after voting, the trip to the Roman Baths won by a slight majority.

Members were asked to give firm numbers at our March meeting, together with a non returnable deposit of £10 per person.

It is getting more and more difficult to find new venues and keep within a certain budget but am sure that this will be very enjoyable.

Our speaker for the evening was Philip Collins on the ‘History of Cheltenham through postcards’.

This was a most interesting talk by someone who knew his subject well and some members could relate personally as they were either born or went to school in Cheltenham.

Peter stayed on and enjoyed supper with us - in fact he didn’t leave until the end of the evening!

As usual the table was groaning with well prepared food and conversation buzzed.

Unfortunately the speaker for March 27, which was going to be ‘Bells and Spangles’ by Stephen Rowley is unable to come along and we will now have a talk and demonstration on ‘The Art of Blass Blowing’ by Tony Osman which is sure to be interesting and fire some of us to try it ourselves.