Stroud News and Journal:

Time flies and its once again time for us to launch the Stroud News & Journal Community Awards.

We are excited to be launching these awards for 2024, following the success of last year. The awards celebrate all the wonderful things that are happening across Stroud and the Five Valleys.

Once again, these awards will shine a light on our region and its many, many success stories. From businesses to charities and schools to pubs, these awards seek to recognise those who go the extra mile to serve our communities. Last year we were blown away by the standard of entries. Many of us truly appreciate the efforts of those who work tirelessly to help or serve others and who ensure our communities thrive and remain inclusive and positive places.

These awards will be a fantastic opportunity for people to celebrate those individuals and organisations that make our region unique and special. Once again, we cannot wait to read the nominations and help tell the stories of those people and groups that enrich the lives of those who live, work, or visit our special corner of the world. After judging, the finalists and guests will be invited to a special ceremony where the awards will be presented at a special dinner.

We cannot wait to read the nominations and help tell the stories of those people and groups that enrich the lives of those who live, work or visit our special corner of the world. Following on from the resounding success of our awards we will be hosting the 2024 awards ceremony on Thursday 20th June at the Stonehouse Court Hotel.

Please take a moment to click the link below and nominate someone you know deserves once of these awards. We look forward to seeing you in June.


The 13 award categories are:

New Business of the Year

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Have you built a successful new business in the last 18 months? Well if so, we want to hear from you. This category is about championing those individuals and organisations who have invested in the area. You must have started your business in in the Stroud and Five Valleys area on or after January 2023.

Best Customer Service

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Ensuring clients return time and again is so important for a business and this award is about finding that one firm which really goes the extra mile for customers. We want to hear from businesses whether that is large companies or small shops who are proud of their service.

Best Independent Business

Sponsored by: Schreiber Goods

We are looking for an independent business large, small or market stall who has really made an impact in Stroud and the Five Valleys area.

Contribution to the Arts

Sponsored by: Wotton Auction Rooms

There are some fantastic music, drama and dance groups in the Stroud and five valleys area and this award celebrates their work and the people who run them. This award could go to a group’s director, conductor or teacher alternatively a whole organisation could be nominated. We want to hear how new talent is nurtured, about performances in the last 12 months and the legacy and lasting achievements the group of this person has.

Best Community Project or Group

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This award will honour a project or group which is making a difference to a community from a neighbourhood partnership to a youth group or pensioners’ club.

Best Volunteer or Fundraiser of the year

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This award is for those people who give up their time to volunteer for a charity, a cause or to help others and for those who raise lots of money for charities and those in need. Tell us about why they should win this award.

Sports Team or Club of the Year

Sponsored by: Triple Eight Containers

Sport is so important in the Stroud and Five Valleys area and we know there are plenty of community sports teams and clubs. This award is about celebrating teams or clubs who are going from strength to strength.

Teacher of the Year

Sponsored by: Renishaw

Is your child’s teacher the best in the Stroud and Five Valleys area? Has a college lecturer or trainer inspired a student to go on to fulfil their dreams? We want to reward the hard work of our education workers and trainers who have gone the extra mile for their pupils.

Environmental Project of the Year

Sponsored by: National Grid

Championing green issues is not just about saving the planet. We want to hear about environmental projects that endeavour to make the world around them a better place. This could be a recycling project, a team who has cleared up a grot spot or who saved an open space from development.

Young person of the Year

Sponsored by: University of Worcester

There are many remarkable youngsters in the community who deserve to be recognised. From high achievements at school, to charity work or helping in the community, these youngsters work hard. We are looking for a young person under the age of 18 who has done something inspirational and who deserves recognition.

Diversity in the Community Award

Sponsored by: Five Rivers Child Care

This award is for people who champion diversity in the community. They help to tackle the issues in today’s society. This person has devoted their time to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion; and has embraced all our citizens irrespective of race, faith, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and culture.

Care Hero of the Year

Sponsored by: Chauffeurhire Coaches

This award recognises that all those work in care, who make a difference to people’s lives every day. Do you know a someone working in care who has worked hard to enable someone to live an independent, safe and fulfilled life? Have they helped to change someone’s life for the better? It is these everyday stories about how our care workers make a difference (big or small) that the judges want to hear.

Neighbour of the Year

Sponsored by: Guardian Jewellery

Do you know an outstanding neighbour? We want to recognise and celebrate local people who volunteer their time to helping and supporting their neighbours and/or local neighbourhood. This person demonstrates a sense of pride in their local neighbourhood and a commitment to making them better through simple neighbourly actions. Do they willingly help their neighbours and build supportive relationships with people who live around them, particularly vulnerable people?

If you would like to sponsor the awards please contact
Event Manager Debra Orr on 07739 820690
or email

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