CHRISTIAN comment with Sue Softley, church administrator for the Stroud Christian Fellowship
Jesus said: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength; Love your neighbours as yourself. There are no commandments greater than these”. (Matthew 22:36-40)
A few weeks ago a very dear friend of mine challenged a few of us to try and do a good deed for someone everyday; a challenge that has not been as easy as I first thought.
It has made me aware of the needs of others wherever I am, for instance does that elderly woman need a hand with her shopping, the woman with the toddler and a small baby in a pushchair, does she need help up those steps?
These are simple examples but do you catch my drift?
It doesn’t take much to go out of your way and help someone.
This hot weather can be wonderful for the sun lovers but a real trial for the elderly and young children, my challenge for you readers is to look out for those who are struggling in this heat, would your elderly neighbours like a lift to the supermarket, can you look after your neighbours children for a few hours while she gets some rest?
There are many ways we can help.
Being a good neighbour, you can bless others with your kindness and generosity and in return you too will be blessed.
“Who is wise and understanding among you?
Let him show it by his good deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom”.
(James 3:13.)