TRANSITION Stroud (“Inspiring action for a sustainable future”) welcomes and thanks you for publishing recently a range of articles and letters on the issue of climate change.

This is the issue - it is about our existence and how future generations will survive given the impact humans are having on the planet.

This can produce two responses – not facing the issue or despair.

Transition Stroud urges another way – to take action as an individual and as a community to make a positive contribution. How?

Transition Stroud has a number of active working groups - our regular repair cafes that reduce landfill; our action group on reducing single use plastic; our edible Stroud group which plants fruit and trees in public spaces; our eco-homes weekend (this coming Saturday) where we hope to inspire people to make their homes greener; our community energy group which encourages community owned renewable energy projects; our your health; Your Planet group which reconnects personal, community and planet health; our textiles recycling; group; our lift sharing group or our SOS cookbook that raises funds for Stroud Foodbank – and more!

Not for you? - then start your own action group and we will help fund; promote and support you.

We need action at international; national; regional - and local levels.

We must recognise our individual responsibility and take action.

To see all the Transition Stroud does (and the report on our last 12 months work) - do visit our website –

We can make a difference – do join us.

Erik Wilkinson
