The Stroud MP's weekly column.

Much is being made at the moment about Scottish independence. I state my view right here - I am an unashamed unionist and I very much want Scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom.

Our collective strength has been a guiding light for more than three hundred years as the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been part of the most successful union in history. It is the collective strength that has been much in evidence during the pandemic. Devolved powers have been very important in responding to the pandemic locally but the economic response is a UK one and has been led by the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak.

I believe the job retention scheme, help for the unemployed, bounce back loans and massive investment in the NHS would not be available to an independent Scotland.

The links that tie Scotland to the rest of the UK are strong and deep. Those who want an independent Scotland want, in essence, to make foreigners of our friends and relatives across our islands. I do not want this to happen and feel the positive case for the Union is not made often enough. I have joined the new Conservative Union Research Group with many other Conservative MPs. We will champion the merits of the union at every opportunity.

On another important topic, a few words about exam results ahead of GCSEs this week. I have been working with students and families to assist those who are unhappy with their A Levels and BTEC results so I know people are concerned. There was sadly no easy answer to creating a system to calculate grades once exams were missed. That said, I do not believe there is any excuse for some of results the system has created. If any parent has any exam grade issues, please get in touch and I will do all I can to help.