Quaker week is the last week of September.

Quaker faith is based on Christian principles, but there are many different Quakers, all with slightly different ways of looking at things, I myself consider myself to be both a Quaker and a Pagan. Quakers believe in Equality, Peace, Truth and Simplicity/Sustainability.

When we look at the state of our wonderful home, planet earth, I think it is easy to see how much more balanced our lives would be if we applied these principles to our lives.

Quakers also believe that there is that of God, or Goodness within every single human being. Again, how different the world would be if we could really take that on board.

Quakers in Thornbury meet every Sunday in the Chantry, Castle Street, Thornbury, 10.30-11.30am, we sit, mainly in silence, for an hour, sometimes somebody is moved to speak, sometimes not, we are seeking something beyond the everyday, some would call it the voice of God, I always think of it as waiting for the voice of the Universal Spirit, that is in all things, and unites us all.

Afterwards we sit and have a cup of tea or coffee and have a chat.

Everybody is welcome. We are a small, friendly group and we would love to see you.

God bless and Blessed

Kate Taylor.
