PLANS to demolish the old Stonehouse library have been submitted.

Gloucestershire County Council, as site owners, has submitted a planning application to Stroud District Council seeking permission to demolish the derelict former library. 

The county council says in a planning document that “the building has been made unsafe following vandalism” and confirmed that there are plans to "market the site as a potential development site". 

A GCC spokesperson said: "We are proposing to demolish the building as it has become unsafe following vandalism. 

"There are no plans yet for the future use of the building."

It comes as the SNJ reported this week that GCC was considering ‘next steps’ on the building after it was 'vandalised by youths'.

READ MORE: Council to 'consider next steps' on building 'vandalised by youths'

The building in Elm Road has been empty and boarded-up since its closure in 2020 and was moved to a more central location at the town council offices on the high street. 

The Stonehouse library officially reopened this summer with a community event with Gloucestershire novelist Katie Fforde. 

Previously over 300 people signed a petition in September 2021 to keep the old building’s doors open so that community members could use the venue for events, indoor markets and a warm space over the winter months.

There were also plans to have hot food available on a pay-as-you-feel system.

The scheme had the support of MP Siobhan Baillie and GCC councillor Nick Housden

However, a spokesperson from Stonehouse Town Market said this week that all of these plans had been abandoned due to multiple incidents of 'vandalism' at the site. 

Stroud News and Journal: Old library building after vandalism Old library building after vandalism (Image: Stonehouse Town Market)

A statement in a council document reads: “The proposals for the site are to demolish the library building and market the site as a potential development site for which there are not currently any details.

“The proposals for the site are to demolish the library building and market the site as a potential development site for which there are not currently any details.” 

There is currently no date for when demolition works would be carried out. 

But according to council documents work is expected take place from 8am to 6pm on weekdays and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays. 

Stonehouse Library on Elm Road was first opened in May 1963. 

You can view the application by visiting by September 6 quoting reference S.22/2571/DEM