By Natalie Bennett, Deputy Leader SDC

THIS is the first diary of 2023 and I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. This time of year can be difficult and with the cost of living crisis continuing to impact on people’s finances and mental health many people are struggling right now. Information and sources of support that could help you or someone you know are available on our dedicated web page at including information on where to find mental health support, advice and help.

Looking back over the last year one of the highlights was officially opening the new council built, energy efficient homes at Ringfield Close in Nailsworth. The 15 houses and flats for affordable rent, and five houses and bungalows for shared ownership all have an energy-efficient EPC rating of A. This supports SDC’s Council Plan to build affordable, energy efficient homes and it’s commitment for the district to become carbon neutral by 2030. I’m now looking forward to seeing the homes that we are going to develop at Bath Place and in Dursley.

Another priority in SDC’s Council Plan is to engage with our communities, and champion equality, diversity and inclusion. SDC recently recruited for community representatives to join its Community Representation Taskforce. This group will develop a community project for the commemoration of an individual, group of individuals or event that celebrates equality and diversity in the Stroud district. It will also oversee the installation of an information plaque to help contextualise the Blackboy Clock and Statue in Stroud, an object made at the height of the transatlantic slave trade. I’m pleased that following interviews the places on the Taskforce have now been filled and I’m excited to see how this work develops over the coming months.