It is definitely roast dinner season wouldn’t you agree?

These beautiful cold mornings and dark evenings definitely lend themselves to a heap of roast potatoes and gravy, to mashed swede and carrot, to cauliflower cheese (I made a vegan one for a friend this week!).

Cabbage, leeks, nut roasts, lamb shoulder, beef brisket, roasted parsnips and beets, Yorkshire pudding.

The farmers market is the home of the roast dinner supplies.

Umpteen varieties of potato from the different growers. Super fresh seasonal greens and vegetables picked just a day or two before market.

An amazing choice of meat products direct from the farm with, poultry and game too.

With all veg available loose you can buy just what you need for one dinner if that’s how you like to shop.

As it’s the last market of January, numbers of stalls are pretty much up to normal levels. Look out for Rustic Puglia olive oil guest stall, College Green soaps, and in the flea market we are hoping Joe the galvanised bucket man will be back this week