A SURVEY has been launched about parking issues around Stroud. 

The town has many different types of parking places available, including on- and off-street, public and private car parks.

This survey is part of the Stroud Town Council's Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) review. 

The council says that survey responses will give them insights into what works well and what could be improved.

Stroud News and Journal:

While the council does not own or operate any of the car parks or parking spaces in the town, they say that they can use the information to update policies in the NDP and also work with the county and district councils and other car park owners to find improvements.

The questions in the survey only refer to parking within the NDP boundary and should be completed by 29th March 2023.

These car parks include ones in Parliament Street, the Brunel Mall multi-storey, Rowcroft and Five Valleys multi-storey. 

Find the survey - bit.ly/3YJflpZ