I mainly agree with the 1st two paragraphs of Anthony Hentchel’s letter (SNJ 10 May) that the Coronation of King Charles 111 was immaculately choreographed and something that our country will be immensely proud to have watched.

Alas Mr Hentchel then goes completely off-message. He writes disrepectfully about former Conservative Prime Ministers in attendance but neglects to mention Labour’s own former Premiers: - Tony Blair left office as an accused war monger and Gordon Brown left government with more unemployed than at start of that Labour government.

The scribe also takes issue with Cabinet minister Penny Mordaunt who as Lord President of the Council was responsible for bearing the Sword of State and presenting the Jewelled Sword of Offering to the King – the first time the role has been carried out by a woman. Ms Mordaunt, whose performance and stamina during the highly visible role won praise across the political spectrum.

It’s very sad that Mr Hentchel writes such a biased party political letter by using reference to the Coronation. It may well be that he is talking just to the converted but in the long term he could lose many floating voters that Labour need to win the next General Election.

Tom Newman
