Two "global strike" supersonic B-1 bombers of the United States Air Force (USAF) have departed an RAF base near Swindon on Tuesday morning on a mission in support of USAF Operations and Exercises.

There are currently four B-1s bombers stationed at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire as part of the American Bomber Task Force.

Bomber Task Force (BTF) is a strategic mission that has been undertaken by the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) of the USAF since 2018 to help develop the ability to operate from unfamiliar locations and integrate with allies and partner nations.

The warplanes - which are nicknamed 'Bones' - form part of a reassurance mission for NATO and its allies.

The USAF have commented: "Bomber Task Force rotations support U.S. National Defense Strategy objectives through “strategic predictability” and “operational unpredictability,” and the steady rotation of strategic bombers into the European theater enables interoperability and enhances operational readiness."