COLUMN BY Mattie Ross, Chair of Stroud District Council’s housing committee. 

This week saw a meeting of Stroud District Council’s housing committee, which I chair. 

The committee oversees a wide range of housing related issues, including supporting those threatened with homelessness and in need of emergency accommodation. 

It is also responsible for key decisions about the management of our own 5,000 council homes. 

We always work to deliver the very best social housing possible and in the current financial climate, this has never been more important.

On Tuesday evening we considered important management, budget and investment decisions which will improve the lives of thousands from across our communities now and in years to come. 

You can catch up with the whole meeting on our website, either on a video or the published minutes.

I am proud to say that Stroud District Council’s Armed Forces Champion group marked Armed Forces Day (24 June) by launching a survey to find out more about the needs of veterans in the Stroud district. 

Veterans, members of the armed forces and their families can complete the survey online here or request a paper copy by post by phoning 01453 766321. 

It is not necessary to give your name, but you are welcome to do so.

I am really pleased to see the Pride flag flying at Ebley Mill at the moment and was very privileged to join with the council’s ‘STRIDE’ team at their event last week to raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ community. 

A great deal of planning by the team produced a full programme of events in a lunchtime break for staff and members to get together.