PLANS for a new artificial pitch with floodlights at Archway School have divided the community.

The plans, which were submitted in April to Stroud District Council, have been supported by various sporting clubs across the town and district but some nearby residents are concerned about noise, light pollution and traffic issues.

It would be built on the playing field with the main school buildings to the east and the car park to the south.

There are residential properties to the south and west.

Stroud News and Journal: Plans for new 3G pitch at Archway School

The plan is to add a full-size 3G astroturf pitch to the bookable facilities available at Archway School Sports Centre.

Archway says the plans would 'enhance sporting opportunities for all ages and abilities throughout the Stroud community and beyond', 'support the development of women's semi-professional and professional teams' and 'encourage and support activities for those with disabilities'.

The school, which has pupils aged 11-18, also says its aim 'has always been to offer their students the best opportunities to progress in the widest range of activities possible.'

It says the anticipated usage of the pitch, which would be available for bookings from Monday to Friday between 5pm and 10pm and on Saturday and Sundays from 8am to 9pm, is high.

The plans are supported by sports clubs, who say there is a need for these types of facilities in the area.

Commenting on the plans, Rodborough Youth Football Club said: "Over the last few years we have seen an increase in both girls and boys join our football club and are now at our maximum in terms of playing fields that we can use under our current hire.

"I have been involved in various consultations in association with Gloucestershire Football Association and the district council, which found that there was a shortage of playing pitches and training pitches for evening winter training in the Stroud district. 

"As a club we support the new pitch as it would definitely fill a gap in the facilities in the Stroud area."

Similar statements were made by members from Randwick FC, Leonard Stanley FC and Nailsworth Town FC on the planning portal.

A spokesperson for Leonard Stanley FC added: "Within the Stroud district there are a huge number of football clubs who are all competing for what little space is available and this just becomes harder each year."

Representatives from Randwick Netball Club, Stroud Handball Club plus Stroud Rugby Club also threw their weight behind the plans.  

However, some local residents, including those living in nearby Parkend, Paganhill, have objected over noise, light and traffic issues.

One said: "I do not object to the proposed construction of an artificial pitch but I do object to its construction close to residential properties."

Another said: "The height of the floodlights would also cause significant light pollution, which would be an unwelcome and intrusive presence in the local environment.

"The proposed operating hours until 10pm would mean that residents would be subjected to noise and disturbance late into the evening, which is unacceptable and would significantly disrupt the peace and tranquillity of the area."

Another said: "I'm concerned this pitch will result in increased traffic in the evenings and at weekends.

"This means traffic trying to get in and out of the school frequently results in traffic jams with the main effects being felt further down the road."

See the plans at