AN SNJ web comment replying to the July 2 letter entitled ‘Why it is time to switch off the Light newspaper in Stroud’ accurately described The Light’s woke-cancel-culture opponents as the ‘New Establishment’.

Last month we saw this Woke ‘New Establishment’ in perfect alignment with the ‘Old Establishment’ stalwart BBC’s ludicrous Anti-Light propaganda.

In today’s SNJ we see them joining forces with the blue-Tory ‘Old Establishment’ by requesting Siobhan Baillie ‘s help in ‘Turning Off The Light’.

Ms Baillie informs us on your pages that she contacted the local council for her ‘New Establishment’ friends to urge them to cancel us.

Only AFTER having found the council (thankfully) unable to oblige did she hypocritically pay lip-service to the principle of free speech, not losing the opportunity to ‘make a virtue of a necessity’.

When we scratch away the veneer of faux-radicalism from the woke authoritarian cancel-warriors, what do we find ? Tories.

Such are they who have the nerve to accuse us - almost Stroud’s only remaining true radicals - of being ‘far-right’. You couldn’t make it up.

Now we see this Establishment triad clearly. The BBC. The Tories. The Woke.

Marching together in lockstep to make war on The Light - which illuminates too clearly for their comfort the global ‘merger of state and corporate power’ rapidly unfolding around us.

Kevin Towell
