THERE are plans to build up to 635 homes, a primary school and playing fields near Stonehouse. 

Applicant Robert Hitchins Limited has submitted plans to Stroud District Council to develop 78.2 acres of land in Standish. 

If the mixed-use development is approved it will include at least 30 per cent of the properties will be affordable housing and a new primary school would take up 3.1 acres of the site.

This should be large enough to accommodate a first form entry school but the details will be worked up in consultation with the local education authority.

The proposals include around 20 acres of public open space which could include allotments, community orchards, parks and recreation grounds, play space, natural green areas and playing pitches.

Stroud News and Journal: A proposed site map from the application which also shows plans for allotments and a primary school - photo by Robert Hitchins A proposed site map from the application which also shows plans for allotments and a primary school - photo by Robert Hitchins (Image: Robert Hitchins)

The applicant says the development provides a major contribution towards the emerging garden community, building on the employment, retail and residential developments approved to the north.

“The development will create housing choice and provide areas of accessible public open space, whilst improving public access across the site connecting the wider pedestrian network,” the design and access statement reads.

“The delivery of the primary school alongside the housing element will support both the existing and proposed communities, complementing the existing town.

“The development framework is founded on best practice urban design principles, community integration and sustainable development.”

Residents have until Friday, August 18 to comment on the scheme and can do so by visiting Stroud District Council’s planning portal and searching for planning application S.23/1451/OUT.

District planners are expected to make a decision on the proposals by November 7.