A CAFE needs volunteers in order to keep running its monthly event in the long-term. 

The Alzeihmer cafe in Nailsworth was launched in December 2002. 

The concept of the Alzheimer Café (first started in the Netherlands in 1997 by Dr. Bere Miesen) was to provide a safe, friendly environment where the emotional issues involved in living with dementia could be openly discussed.

The café included those diagnosed with any type of dementia, their families, friends and caregivers and professionals working in that specialist field of care.

Dr Gemma Jones led the start of Alzheimer Cafés in the UK in 2000 at Farnborough and a cafe was opened in Nailsworth to serve the Stroud District in December 2002.

Cafe coordinator Jo Smith said: "There are other dementia friendly social gatherings in the area often called ‘Memory Cafes’.

"My colleague Frances Biggs and I have coordinated the Café in Nailsworth, alongside many wonderful volunteers, for just over 20 years.

"We began as recent retirees from our social work and nursing professions but know, much as we love it, there are limits to our stamina.

"My target is to definitely continue the Café for another season till July 2024, but we would dearly love to find two or more people to work alongside us with a view to leading the Café forward into the future.

"There is always support and training available from Dr Gemma Jones and the trustees of the Alzheimer Café UK

"We have found a particular value in following the ‘Alzheimer Café model’ which includes a discussion time about the emotional aspects of living with dementia.

"Whilse recent factual memories may become jumbled as dementia progresses, emotional memories are much more enduring, and we have been humbled and moved by the interactive discussions and mutual sharing that have happened at our Café over the years.

"Our guests also seem to enjoy the hearty tea provided, music and singing."

Anyone interested can contact Jo on pinfarthings@phonecoop.coop or pop along to the next cafe which is on Wedesday, September 27 between 2pm and 4pm at the Sawyer Hall, Christ Church, Nailsworth. 

Meetings take place on the last Wednesday of each month.