A MUCH-LOVED fete with live music and a bouncy castle returned on Sunday. 

Rodborough Fete, which was jointly organised by Rodborough parish council and Rodborough Sunday Social saw the playing field at Rodborough Community Hall packed with stalls from groups and small businesses from across the parish.

With a bouncy castle, glitter tattoos and children’s crafting activities, fundraising and fun experiences, a live music stage, ice cream, tea & cakes and a bar courtesy of Lotte at The Prince Albert, there was something there for everyone.

Fete organisers Cllrs Helen Elliott-Boult, Cllr Tom Jones and Cllr Robin Layfield would like to thank everyone who came along, brought stalls or volunteered for helping to make the afternoon so special.

Ms Elliot Boult said: “It was a great team effort and so fantastic to see everyone working together to showcase the many things that make our community so special.

"We are already looking forward to next year and would love to hear from anyone who would like to help make next year's fete just as successful."

There were stalls from Rodborough Scouts & Guides, the newly-formed Rodborough Women’s Institute, Cotswold Canals Trust, Rodborough Tabernacle, the Old Endowed School, Utility Warehouse, a fundraiser for Wallace & Gromet’s Grand Appeal and a number of local producers and artists, as well as Rodborough Parish Council and the new PCSO for Rodborough, Mel Oliveira.

Remembering Rodborough, supported by The Museum in the Park held a historical weaving and carding demonstration.

Music was provided by local artists including Ordinary Folk, Rodborough Folk Orchestra, a stripped-back Albino Tarantino three-piece and gorgeous harp-playing from Hands-on-Harps.

Cllr Paul Gibson, Chair of Rodborough Parish Council said: “It was a wonderful day out for all the family.

"As a small parish council we were thrilled to be able to hold our local fete once again and bring everyone out to share in the fun.

"The three councillors who organised the event, along with our deputy clerk Joy Jackson, did a brilliant job in putting it all together at very short notice.”

Rodborough Sunday Social is a community group that meets on the third Sunday of every month to encourage inter-generational activities and provide a space for people to gather, talk, be creative and play.